Please register! For security reasons, the password should meet some criteria.
The password must:
  • be at least 6 and maximum 12 characters long
  • contain at least one upper and one lower case letter
  • contain at least one of the following special characters: @#/.,!')$%-_:*+?ยง&()[]
  • contain at least one number

It is possible to use a functional address to register on the DNK database; the use of personal data is optional.

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I hereby declare my consent to the processing (to Art. 6 para. 1 lit a EU DSGVO) and publication of the personal data provided by me (first name, last name, email address) as a contact person for business contact on the Internet at the website (The right to revoke the consent at any time according to Art. 7 para. 3 EU DSGVO remains unaffected. Further information: Privacy Policy)


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