19. Political Influence

All significant input relating to legislative procedures, all entries in lobby lists, all significant payments of membership fees, all contributions to governments as well as all donations to political parties and politicians should be disclosed by country in a differentiated way.

Legislative procedures
Relevant legislative procedures, such as those relating to tenant, construction or to energy law, are those which will impact Deutsche Wohnen in its capacity as an enterprise that operates within the property sector. Furthermore, laws relating to the financial market can also impact Deutsche Wohnen SE in its capacity as a listed company. These include the recent amendments to the German Commercial Code (HGB) as a result of the German Act Implementing the CSR Directive (CSR-Richtlinie-Umsetzungsgesetz – CSR-RUG), which we are complying with through the publication of our non-financial statement. 


Akademie der Immobilienwirtschaft e. V. (Academy of Real Estate Managment, BBA)
Berlin Building Chamber (BK)
Verband Berlin-Brandenburgischer Wohnungsunternehmen e. V.
 (Association of Residential Property Companies in Berlin-Brandenburg, BBU)
Bundesverband deutscher Wohnungs- und Immobilienunternehmen e. V.
 (Federal Association of German Housing and Real Estate Companies, GdW)
Creditreform e. V. 
Deutsche Public Relations Gesellschaft e. V. (German Public Relations Association, DPRG) 
Deutsche Entwicklungshilfe für soziales Wohnungs- und Siedlungswesen e. V.
 (German Centre for Development Aid with regard to Social Housing and Human Settlements, DESWOS) 
German Financial Reporting Enforcement Panel (FREP) 
Deutsche Schutzvereinigung für Wertpapierbesitz e. V.
(German Association for the Protection of Investors, DSW)
Deutscher Verband für Wohnungswesen, Städtebau und Raumordnung e. V.
(German Association for Housing, Urban and Spatial Development, DV)
DialogGesellschaft e. V. (DialogueSociety) 
European Public Real Estate Association (EPRA) 
Friends’ Association of the Federal Foundation of Baukultur 
Marzahn-Hellersdorfer Wirtschaftskreis e. V.
(Marzahn-Hellersdorf Business Association, MHWK) 
Schutzgemeinschaft der Kapitalanleger e. V.
(German Association for the Protection of Capital Investors, SdK) 
Economic Council 
German Property Federation (ZIA; from 2018) 

Since 2014, Deutsche Wohnen has been a regular member of the Economic Council of the CDU (Wirtschaftsrat der CDU e. V.); we pay an annual membership fee of EUR 10,000 in this connection. In the reporting year, we spent a total of over EUR 300,000 on material memberships, including the Association of Residential Property Enterprises in Berlin-Brandenburg (Verband Berlin-Brandenburgischer Wohnungsunternehmen e. V. – BBU), the German Association for Housing, Urban and Spatial Development (Deutscher Verband für Wohnungswesen, Städtebau und Raumordnung e. V. – DV), the European Public Real Estate Association, and the Federal Association of German Housing and Real Estate Companies (Bundesverband Deutscher Wohnungs- und Immobilienunternehmen e. V. – GdW). We donated EUR 5,000 in 2017 to the summer party of the Parlamentskreis Mittelstand (PKM) of the CDU/CSU faction, the largest parliamentary group (representing the interests of medium-sized companies) in the German Bundestag.

Our sustainability programme includes the implementation of a guideline laying out standards for social and cultural engagement. Additional information on dialogue with political representatives can be found under Criterion 9, Stakeholder Engagement, and in our Sustainability Report 2017, p. 18–20.