12. Resource Management

The company discloses what qualitative and quantitative goals it has set itself with regard to its resource efficiency, in particular its use of renewables, the increase in raw material productivity and the reduction in the usage of ecosystem services, which measures and strategies it is pursuing to this end, how these are or will be achieved, and where it sees there to be risks.

In addition to a review of current measures, our Sustainability Report 2018 includes a table showing our specific environmental targets (p. 20). Topics covered include product releases, energy consumption, climate protection, water consumption and waste and wastewater management. In addition, renewable energies, in particular biogas, biofuels and wood pellets, are a small but integral part of Marquard & Bahls' business.

We observe the challenge that global energy demand is rising while fossil resources such as crude oil are dwindling, and the importance of renewable energies is on the rise. Renewables, electrification and e-fuels might be an answer when it comes to achieving the climate protection targets for 2050. Therefore, Marquard & Bahls teamed up with other companies as well as associations and experts to develop an energy study. In future, we will also increase our focus on water risks and potential water reduction measures as this is very important to our business, e.g. tank storage activities.