7. Control

The company states how and what performance indicators related to sustainability are used in its regular internal planning and control processes. It discloses how suitable processes ensure reliability, comparability and consistency of the data used for internal management and external communication.

The following key performance indicators are taken for control of progress towards sustainability goals:
[Sustainability Code #07, Aspect 1]

A follow up on the performance towards our sustainability targets is conducted annually and disclosed towards our stakeholders in our Annual and Sustainability Report. The Sustainability Report is regulated by the EU Non Financial Reporting Directive, and applies the reporting framework of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). The sustainability report also incorporates the reporting requirements from the United Nations Global Compact, through which we have committed to publicly disclose our continuous progress within sustainability. More information about our commitments and external frameworks under Intrum Code of Conduct Policy, section 6.3.
The company auditor reviews the sustainability data through a limited assurance. Each MD and Global Function is responsible to ensure that the procedure to gather the requested data from markets and functions is effective (in place) and effificient (works as intended) so that reported data is accurate.
Each MD and Global Function is responsible to identify, assess and mitigate sustainability related risks. Human rights risks, climate risks and other sustainability related risks shall be regularly monitored and reported to relevant stakeholders internally and externally.
In Germany, the Head of Quality Management ensures proper reporting. The market Managing Director approves the reports which contains the collected data.
[Sustainability Code #07, Aspect 2]