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INPACS (Headquarters)

General | General Information

General Information

Company name INPACS (Headquarters) Logo

Company website

Number of employees < 250

Reporting year 2017

Indicator set GRI 4    

Directly affected by the disclosure of non-financial and diversity information No

Head of Sustainability
Julia Del Pino Latorre

Salzufer 15/16
10587 Berlin

+49 (0) 30 6341494 10

Describe your business model (including type of company, products / services)

Founded in 2004 by leading European wholesalers, today INPACS is a global organisation offering a unique Global Supply Solution to international B2B customers from facility management, hospitality and catering, industry and not-for-resale retail, health care and transport sectors.
Our mission is to provide holistic solutions that optimise our customers’ supply chains through a one stop approach with a vast product portfolio and tailored services such as:
- Customer consulting by dedicated local and global key account management
- Product selection
- Supply chain optimisation
- Customised e-ordering solutions
- Efficient logistics including delivery to point of use
- After sales service
- Web-based budgeting and cost control tools
- Ongoing business development and review 

View INPACS introduction video here. 

The comprehensive set of added value services is about to ensure consistent services across all of our customer’s local operations, in more than 50 countries worldwide.
Each INPACS member company observes strict ethical guidelines and rules of cooperation.
These family-run longstanding businesses all demonstrate strong local engagement as part of their communities.

INPACS HEADQUARTERS [reporting company]
INPACS head office represents the service and coordination centre of the distribution network with a strong focus on setting the quality, efficiency and performance standards in a manner which best meets changing needs of customers.

To successfully fulfil this facilitator role, there are three major value-creating divisions within INPACS head office:
Sales: Channelling communication and data flow across local branches through one dedicated global contact. Thus creating a powerful hub with reports, management information, global contracts and international tender management, customer-specific assortment harmonisation through to roll-out management.
Procurement: Identifying and developing cooperation with appropriate supply partners in respect of purchasing conditions, transparent supply chain and sustainable products; meeting the strictest of standards and fulfilling our international customer’s product demand at best.
Sustainable Business Development: Guiding the development and growth path for the INPACS network with special focus on local mid-sized family-run companies and pursuing common interests to sustainably strengthen these for future challenges; driving forward the environmental awareness and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) among all INPACS stakeholders by taking the leading role in implementation of sustainability projects and initiating a CSR development process across all members.

Additional remarks:

INPACS GmbH head office is certified according to ISO 9001 Quality Management System as well as to ISO 14001 Environmental Management System and is a Climate Neutral Company, investing in projects designed to reduce the environmental impact caused by its operations.
A recent independent evaluation of the CSR values within the head office has resulted in a Gold rating.