General | General InformationGeneral Information
Company name | McDonald |
Company website | | |
Number of employees | > 50.000 | |
Reporting year | 2015 | |
Indicator set | GRI 4 | |
3rd party assurance | Yes, by KPMG AG | |
Directly affected by the disclosure of non-financial and diversity information | Not specified | |
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McDonald’s is one of the best-known brands worldwide. With 1,478 restaurants across Germany, it is the market leader in the German gastronomy sector. McDonald’s Deutschland Inc. (McDonald’s Germany) and its 238 franchisees employ around 58,000 people. In 2015, McDonald’s Germany achieved net revenue for the year of EUR 3.1 billion.
McDonald’s Germany, Munich branch, manages one of the largest markets within the global McDonald’s organization. 87 percent of McDonald’s restaurants in Germany are run by independent entrepreneurs who represent the brand at local level.
The first McDonald’s restaurant in Germany opened on December 4, 1971 in Martin-Luther-Strasse, Munich. The number of food and drinks items on offer grew from the original six to over 100 products in total. This includes products offered under the McCafé brand launched in 2003, as well as McDonald’s breakfast items.
McDonald’s Germany collaborates with many different partners and service providers to deliver “good food fast”. We have been working with many of our raw materials suppliers for decades now and source 63 percent of raw materials, and over 95 percent of beef, from within Germany.
McDonald’s has over 36,000 restaurants in more than 100 countries worldwide. The current annual report of the McDonald’s Corporation contains information on total market capitalization, total assets, revenue and headcount according to country:
Detailed information on sustainability management can be found online. Our sustainability reports in German and English and further information are available on our website at:
McDonald’s Germany, Munich branch, manages one of the largest markets within the global McDonald’s organization. 87 percent of McDonald’s restaurants in Germany are run by independent entrepreneurs who represent the brand at local level.
The first McDonald’s restaurant in Germany opened on December 4, 1971 in Martin-Luther-Strasse, Munich. The number of food and drinks items on offer grew from the original six to over 100 products in total. This includes products offered under the McCafé brand launched in 2003, as well as McDonald’s breakfast items.
McDonald’s Germany collaborates with many different partners and service providers to deliver “good food fast”. We have been working with many of our raw materials suppliers for decades now and source 63 percent of raw materials, and over 95 percent of beef, from within Germany.
McDonald’s has over 36,000 restaurants in more than 100 countries worldwide. The current annual report of the McDonald’s Corporation contains information on total market capitalization, total assets, revenue and headcount according to country:
Detailed information on sustainability management can be found online. Our sustainability reports in German and English and further information are available on our website at:
Additional remarks:
The information in this declaration of compliance refers to the 2015 Corporate Responsibility Report published by McDonald’s Germany.
The compact McDonald’s Germany Corporate Responsibility Report 2015 – At a Glance and the 2015 McDonald’s Corporate Responsibility Report were prepared in accordance with the core option of the G4 guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). As in previous years, the external auditing company KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft was engaged to perform an audit to provide limited assurance as per the International Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE) 3000. The audit covered selected key performance indicators, which are highlighted accordingly in the report. We are gradually expanding the scope of the audit every year.
The compact McDonald’s Germany Corporate Responsibility Report 2015 – At a Glance and the 2015 McDonald’s Corporate Responsibility Report were prepared in accordance with the core option of the G4 guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). As in previous years, the external auditing company KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft was engaged to perform an audit to provide limited assurance as per the International Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE) 3000. The audit covered selected key performance indicators, which are highlighted accordingly in the report. We are gradually expanding the scope of the audit every year.