alstria office REIT-AG
General | General InformationGeneral Information
Company name | alstria office REIT-AG | |
Company website | | |
Number of employees | < 250 | |
Reporting year | 2016 | |
Indicator set | GRI 4 | |
3rd party assurance | Yes, by Deloitte GmbH | |
Directly affected by the disclosure of non-financial and diversity information | Not specified | |
Contact |
Sustainability & Quality Management
Bäckerbreitergang 75 20355 Hamburg Germany +49 (0) 40 22 63 41-300 |
Describe your business model (including type of company, products / services)
alstria office REIT-AG is one of Germany’s largest listed real estate companies. We are focused on acquiring, owning and managing office real estate in Germany. The combination of alstria and DO Deutsche Office AG creates the leading listed German office real estate company with a combined portfolio of 120 office buildings* comprising 1.7 million m² of lettable space and representing a total portfolio value of approximately EUR 3.3 billion (as of 31.12.2015). Revenues of the same year were of EUR 115,337,000. Our business model is based on long-term leases, a high-quality tenant mix and sustainable behaviour.
Being a long-term property holder we are focused on the expansion and active management of our real estate portfolio. Close relationships with our tenants, a high degree of social responsibility and dedicated employees ensure our revenue base. For our shareholders, our strategy facilitates a stable and predictable cash flow at a low risk profile.
alstria was founded in January 2006 and converted into the first German REIT in October 2007. We are listed in the Prime Standard of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and are member of the MDAX.
Being a long-term property holder we are focused on the expansion and active management of our real estate portfolio. Close relationships with our tenants, a high degree of social responsibility and dedicated employees ensure our revenue base. For our shareholders, our strategy facilitates a stable and predictable cash flow at a low risk profile.
alstria was founded in January 2006 and converted into the first German REIT in October 2007. We are listed in the Prime Standard of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and are member of the MDAX.
Additional remarks:
Tradition in Sustainability Reporting
Every year, since 2009, we issue a sustainability report that provides readers with comprehensive information on the progress we have made in environmental, financial, governance and social areas.
Sustainability Report 2015/ 2016
All data that are provided for this declaration of conformity refer to the latest Sustainability Report 2015/ 2016 of alstria and cover the financial year from January 1 to December 31, 2015. Some of the information we provide reflect also decisions and events that took place in 2016, so that readers receive more up-to date information. The Sustainability Report is organized and presented based on the GRI G4 framework, using the ‘Core’ option. We also present our sector’s specific information, as specified by the ‘Construction and Real Estate Sector Supplement (CRESS)’ as well as the ‘European Public Real Estate Association (EPRA) Best Practices Recommendations on Sustainability Reporting.’
External Assurance
For the first time, we have ran a third-party assurance for all our energy and resources consumption data. Those data were audited by Deloitte GmbH, with limited assurance in accordance with ISAE 3000. Indicators from the area of occupational health and safety were reviewed by external experts in accordance with the German Directive 89/ 391/ EWG. Finally our energy management system receives internal and external third-party auditing every year.
Every year, since 2009, we issue a sustainability report that provides readers with comprehensive information on the progress we have made in environmental, financial, governance and social areas.
Sustainability Report 2015/ 2016
All data that are provided for this declaration of conformity refer to the latest Sustainability Report 2015/ 2016 of alstria and cover the financial year from January 1 to December 31, 2015. Some of the information we provide reflect also decisions and events that took place in 2016, so that readers receive more up-to date information. The Sustainability Report is organized and presented based on the GRI G4 framework, using the ‘Core’ option. We also present our sector’s specific information, as specified by the ‘Construction and Real Estate Sector Supplement (CRESS)’ as well as the ‘European Public Real Estate Association (EPRA) Best Practices Recommendations on Sustainability Reporting.’
External Assurance
For the first time, we have ran a third-party assurance for all our energy and resources consumption data. Those data were audited by Deloitte GmbH, with limited assurance in accordance with ISAE 3000. Indicators from the area of occupational health and safety were reviewed by external experts in accordance with the German Directive 89/ 391/ EWG. Finally our energy management system receives internal and external third-party auditing every year.