General | General InformationGeneral Information
Company name | 4Sing | |
Company website | http://4sing.com/home-de/ | |
Number of employees | < 250 | |
Reporting year | 2021 | |
Indicator set | GRI SRS | |
Directly affected by the disclosure of non-financial and diversity information | No | |
Reporting on EU taxonomy | not subject to the reporting obligation and not reporting according to EU taxonomy | |
Contact |
Describe your business model (including type of company, products / services)
4sing GmbH is a foresight to strategy consulting firm. We help our customers to develop resilient strategies.
4SING stands for FORESight to Strategy for Security and Sustainability IN Governance.
We help clients experiment with alternative futures to give them a feeling for the strategic risks and opportunities at hand. The process opens minds to alternative strategy options and lets participants check if any given strategy will be robust/resilient, in all futures.
We assist organisations to develop strategic rules of thumb that align all stakeholders. The process identifies the options to pursue, and opens the door to running “safe to fail” experiments that can develop a strategy/policy progressively and organically.
We ensure that public and corporate governance are conducted to be sustainable - socially, ecologically and economically - in the future as well as today. Over the years, we have also had a focus on (often soft) security issues, which again need the application of long-term thinking.
The contact person is Sebastian Stölting sebastian.stoelting@4sing.com
4SING stands for FORESight to Strategy for Security and Sustainability IN Governance.
We help clients experiment with alternative futures to give them a feeling for the strategic risks and opportunities at hand. The process opens minds to alternative strategy options and lets participants check if any given strategy will be robust/resilient, in all futures.
We assist organisations to develop strategic rules of thumb that align all stakeholders. The process identifies the options to pursue, and opens the door to running “safe to fail” experiments that can develop a strategy/policy progressively and organically.
We ensure that public and corporate governance are conducted to be sustainable - socially, ecologically and economically - in the future as well as today. Over the years, we have also had a focus on (often soft) security issues, which again need the application of long-term thinking.
The contact person is Sebastian Stölting sebastian.stoelting@4sing.com