LEIPA Group GmbH
General | General InformationGeneral Information
Company name | LEIPA Group GmbH |
Company website | www.leipa.com | |
Number of employees | 500 - 4.999 | |
Reporting year | 2022 | |
Indicator set | GRI SRS | |
Directly affected by the disclosure of non-financial and diversity information | No | |
Reporting on EU taxonomy | not subject to the reporting obligation and not reporting according to EU taxonomy | |
Contact |
Head of Research, Development, Innovation and Sustainability
Dr. Lutz Kühne Kuhheide 34 16303 Schwedt Germany +49 30562952212 lutz.kuehne@leipa.com |
Describe your business model (including type of company, products / services)
LEIPA – The Group of Companies: "A successful path is created when you walk it together."
LEIPA is an owner-managed and independent family-owned group of companies. Since Michael Leinfelder acquired the Group’s first paper mill in Schrobenhausen in 1847, we have developed from a small family business into a major European player with customers all over the world.
Our core business is paper and packaging solutions, complemented by accompanying services in the areas of logistics, recycling and sustainability consulting. These building blocks make it possible to realise closed cycles in the sense of the circular economy.
In 2022, the LEIPA Group and our over 1,700 employees generated a business volume of approximately one billion euros.
LEIPA Group GmbH acts as the holding company for the Group and sets the strategic framework for the operational activities.
LEIPA Georg Leinfelder GmbH, Leipa Logistik GmbH and MAD Recycling GmbH form the operational core of the LEIPA Group.
LEIPA Georg Leinfelder GmbH is the focus of the Group’s business operations with over 1,000 employees working at the two production sites in Schwedt/Oder and Schrobenhausen. The graphic and packaging papers (Schwedt/Oder) and board (Schrobenhausen) that they produce are 100% based on recycled fibres. In addition, there is flexible packaging (Schrobenhausen) made using paper, plastic and aluminium, however paper-based solutions with a lower plastic content will become even more prominent in the future.
Leipa Logistik GmbH is the logistics partner of LEIPA Georg Leinfelder GmbH, but it also acts as a service provider for external customers for the transportation of paper and all other general cargo.
MAD Recycling GmbH is a recycling specialist that supports the procurement of suitable waste paper within the Group with its sorting plant, as well as in other ways. In addition, this company is also active in the disposal of construction site waste, rubble, bulky waste and plastics.
With LEIPA Pack SRL in Romania, the Group has an additional international production site for printing and finishing flexible packaging.
In addition to the central German distribution, the international distribution is supported by the Group’s four own distribution subsidiaries – LEIPA UK Ltd, LEIPA France SAS, LEIPA Polska Sp.zo.o. and LEIPA Austria & CEE GmbH.
Here at LEIPA, we are dedicated to obtaining and maintaining all the necessary certifications and have one of the most extensive ranges of certifications among European paper manufacturers that use recycled fibres in the areas of environment, quality and occupational safety. All production processes are environmentally friendly. In addition, most of our products have been awarded leading international environmental certifications. (For further details see criteria of the Sustainability Code 4. Depth of the Value Chain and 6. Rules and Processes.)
LEIPA is an owner-managed and independent family-owned group of companies. Since Michael Leinfelder acquired the Group’s first paper mill in Schrobenhausen in 1847, we have developed from a small family business into a major European player with customers all over the world.
Our core business is paper and packaging solutions, complemented by accompanying services in the areas of logistics, recycling and sustainability consulting. These building blocks make it possible to realise closed cycles in the sense of the circular economy.
In 2022, the LEIPA Group and our over 1,700 employees generated a business volume of approximately one billion euros.
LEIPA Group GmbH acts as the holding company for the Group and sets the strategic framework for the operational activities.
LEIPA Georg Leinfelder GmbH, Leipa Logistik GmbH and MAD Recycling GmbH form the operational core of the LEIPA Group.
LEIPA Georg Leinfelder GmbH is the focus of the Group’s business operations with over 1,000 employees working at the two production sites in Schwedt/Oder and Schrobenhausen. The graphic and packaging papers (Schwedt/Oder) and board (Schrobenhausen) that they produce are 100% based on recycled fibres. In addition, there is flexible packaging (Schrobenhausen) made using paper, plastic and aluminium, however paper-based solutions with a lower plastic content will become even more prominent in the future.
Leipa Logistik GmbH is the logistics partner of LEIPA Georg Leinfelder GmbH, but it also acts as a service provider for external customers for the transportation of paper and all other general cargo.
MAD Recycling GmbH is a recycling specialist that supports the procurement of suitable waste paper within the Group with its sorting plant, as well as in other ways. In addition, this company is also active in the disposal of construction site waste, rubble, bulky waste and plastics.
With LEIPA Pack SRL in Romania, the Group has an additional international production site for printing and finishing flexible packaging.
In addition to the central German distribution, the international distribution is supported by the Group’s four own distribution subsidiaries – LEIPA UK Ltd, LEIPA France SAS, LEIPA Polska Sp.zo.o. and LEIPA Austria & CEE GmbH.
Here at LEIPA, we are dedicated to obtaining and maintaining all the necessary certifications and have one of the most extensive ranges of certifications among European paper manufacturers that use recycled fibres in the areas of environment, quality and occupational safety. All production processes are environmentally friendly. In addition, most of our products have been awarded leading international environmental certifications. (For further details see criteria of the Sustainability Code 4. Depth of the Value Chain and 6. Rules and Processes.)
Additional remarks:
This Sustainability Code Declaration of Conformity relates to the 2022 financial year (1.1.2022 to 31.12.2022). In addition to applying the criteria of the Sustainability Code, reporting is carried out with reference to the GRI standards (2021 version) and under application of the GRI indicator set.
In the first year, the scope of the report relates to all German LEIPA companies, which are collectively referred to in the report as the LEIPA Group (LEIPA for short). This includes LEIPA Group GmbH, LEIPA Georg Leinfelder GmbH, Leipa Logistik GmbH and MAD Recycling GmbH. From the reporting year 2025, the foreign subsidiaries will also be included in this report.
This Declaration of Conformity has not been externally audited, but was examined by a CSR expert / Code training partner while it was being prepared. The Code Office confirms the formal completeness of all required reporting aspects and performance indicators according to the comply-or-explain logic with the Sustainability Code Signatory.
In the first year, the scope of the report relates to all German LEIPA companies, which are collectively referred to in the report as the LEIPA Group (LEIPA for short). This includes LEIPA Group GmbH, LEIPA Georg Leinfelder GmbH, Leipa Logistik GmbH and MAD Recycling GmbH. From the reporting year 2025, the foreign subsidiaries will also be included in this report.
This Declaration of Conformity has not been externally audited, but was examined by a CSR expert / Code training partner while it was being prepared. The Code Office confirms the formal completeness of all required reporting aspects and performance indicators according to the comply-or-explain logic with the Sustainability Code Signatory.