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Blue Cap AG

General | General Information

General Information

Company name Blue Cap AG Logo

Company website

Number of employees 500 - 4.999

Reporting year 2022

Indicator set GRI SRS    

Directly affected by the disclosure of non-financial and diversity information No, but check the declaration of conformity in the sense of the CSR reporting obligation

Reporting on EU taxonomy not subject to the reporting obligation, but still reporting according to EU taxonomy

Annika Küppers

Ludwigstraße 11
80539 München

+49 89 288909-24

Describe your business model (including type of company, products / services)

Blue Cap AG (also referred to below as "Blue Cap") is a listed investment company established in 2006 and headquartered in Munich. Under the "BUY, TRANSFORM, SELL" strategy, the company invests in SMEs showing clear potential to improve earnings and growth prospects in the B2B sector and actively supports them in their entrepreneurial development. Blue Cap basically focuses on fundamental profitability parameters (growth, cost structures, margins), securing and expanding its economic capacity (liquidity) and adjusting its strategic orientation for successful further development. The companies are headquartered in Germany, Austria and Switzerland and normally generate revenue of between EUR 30 and EUR 80 million. Blue Cap becomes the owner for a limited period. The optimal holding period is between three and seven years. However, value enhancement strategies that are designed for a longer period of time can be considered in equal measure. Companies can remain in the portfolio for a longer time, especially if they have long-term growth prospects. In principle: The portfolio companies are sold as soon as successful performance under a different ownership structure appears to make more sense and Blue Cap has been able to successfully implement large parts of the planned programme.

During the reporting year, the Group held majority stakes in the following companies, which are allocated to different segments:

Adhesives & Coatings
  • Neschen Coating GmbH (also referred to below as "Neschen"), self-adhesive products and coated media
  • Planatol GmbH (also referred to below as "Planatol"), solvent-free adhesive products and application systems

  • Uniplast Knauer GmbH & Co. KG (also referred to below as "Uniplast"), plastic cups for the food industry (sold on 14/06/2023)
  • con-pearl GmbH (also referred to below as "con-pearl"), plastics recycling and products based on self-produced polypropylene foils and lightweight boards 
  • H+E Group (also referred to below as "H+E"), high-quality plastic parts and assemblies for the automotive industry and other sectors

Business Services
  • HY-Line Group (also referred to below as "HY-Line"), product and system supplier of electronics components with a focus on technical consulting and application expertise
  • Transline Group (also referred to below as "Transline"), translation service provider with a high degree of digitalisation and automation (acquired on 02/03/2022)

  • Gämmerler GmbH (also referred to below as "Gämmerler"), service and spare parts business for postpress processing machines (sold on 04/02/2022)
  • nokra Optische Prüftechnik und Automation GmbH (also referred to below as "nokra"), laser measuring systems for the automated inline inspection of geometric measurement variables

In addition, Blue Cap holds a 42% stake in INHECO Industrial Heating and Cooling GmbH (also referred to below as "INHECO"), a manufacturer of various components for laboratory automation in medical technology. The portfolio companies of Blue Cap operate at locations in Germany, Europe and the USA. Further information on the business models and areas of activity of the individual subsidiaries can be found in Blue Cap AG's annual report and on the company's website –

Additional remarks:

Note on gender rules
We generally follow a non-discriminatory approach and therefore want to use gender-neutral language. However, for reasons of better readability, we continue to use the generic masculine. Corresponding terms apply in principle to all genders in the sense of equal treatment and do not imply any valuation.