Croozer GmbH
General | General InformationGeneral Information
Company name | Croozer GmbH |
Company website | | |
Number of employees | < 250 | |
Reporting year | 2021 | |
Indicator set | GRI SRS | |
Directly affected by the disclosure of non-financial and diversity information | No | |
Reporting on EU taxonomy | not subject to the reporting obligation and not reporting according to EU taxonomy | |
Contact |
Croozer GmbH
Herr Jonas Wehowsky An der Hasenkaule 10 50354 Hürth Germany +49 2233 95991-58 |
Describe your business model (including type of company, products / services)
“Simply on the move”: It’s under this motto that Croozer develops and produces bicycle trailers for the sustainable lifestyles of modern families. Be it Kid, Dog or Cargo – Croozer’s practical trailers are the perfect companions for any situation and offer plenty of possibilities. This is how Croozer brings people together and gives them the versatility they need to easily – and, above all, safely – reach their destinations all over the world.
Additional remarks:
We are living in an age of transition, in which the issue of mobility plays an important role as a megatrend. This trend describes a mobile culture comprising a wide range of mobility options, primarily in urban settings, but also in rural areas. The transition is characterised by an increasing environmental awareness within society, government and industry. The main driver of this transition has been the climate crisis, which has long since ceased to be an abstract problem, as the consequences of global warming become increasingly tangible on both the local and global level. Other important issues are the sustainable use of resources and the air quality in our cities. And beyond the environmental factors, social issues are also playing a role. Human mobility is constantly increasing, and the places where people spend time, e.g. home, work and recreational settings, are often not close together. An increasing number of people are choosing bicycles for the associated health benefits, versatility, low costs and enjoyment. Our trailers are contributing to the green transport revolution and helping to make emission-free mobility possible in everyday life. In order to advance this trend, we are also calling on policymakers to take responsibility and support the further development of cycling infrastructure. The fact is that convenient bike paths, safe intersections and the level of comfort that cyclists experience when riding in traffic are still the most important factors when it comes to choosing whether or not to use a bicycle as a means of transport in everyday life. In spite of these contributions, we also have to acknowledge our responsibility as a business. For us, sustainability does not stop when our customers begin using a trailer to take their children to nursery school, to ride long distances with their dog or to get their groceries home from the supermarket. We also have to scrutinise the resources we use for our products, to ensure good working conditions for everyone in our supply chain, to not view family as a barrier to career advancement, to reduce our logistics emissions and to guarantee the durability of our products. Croozer would like to continue improving its track record with respect to these responsibilities.
Croozer is a family-owned company that was run for many years by its founder, Andreas Gehlen. His daughter Hanna Grau became a co-owner in 2021. Since 2020 she has been at the helm of the company, together with managing director Markus Krill. With this change in leadership, the issue of sustainability gained even greater significance at Croozer. For example, in early 2021 a Sustainability Team was established on the basis of employee interest. It has since defined the first Sustainability Goals and initiated several projects. After a Sustainability Manager was hired in October 2021, the team was complete, and sustainability became permanently anchored in the company’s strategy as a value, innovation driver and goal.
This is Croozer’s first Sustainability Report. It documents how far we have come, the potential we see for further improvement, the goals we have set for ourselves and the further measures we are planning. The report is based on the requirements (20 criteria) of the German Sustainability Code (Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitskodex – DNK). As a member of the BIKEBRAINPOOL think tank, we have committed to establishing the practice of reporting in accordance with DNK guidelines as a standard in the bicycle sector. We are striving to take responsibility as a company and as an entire sector. This responsibility includes the exchange of ideas and motivation on an ongoing basis in the context of a network and the implementation of the CSR Bike Charter (developed in the context of the BIKEBRAINPOOL) in our company.
Croozer is a family-owned company that was run for many years by its founder, Andreas Gehlen. His daughter Hanna Grau became a co-owner in 2021. Since 2020 she has been at the helm of the company, together with managing director Markus Krill. With this change in leadership, the issue of sustainability gained even greater significance at Croozer. For example, in early 2021 a Sustainability Team was established on the basis of employee interest. It has since defined the first Sustainability Goals and initiated several projects. After a Sustainability Manager was hired in October 2021, the team was complete, and sustainability became permanently anchored in the company’s strategy as a value, innovation driver and goal.
This is Croozer’s first Sustainability Report. It documents how far we have come, the potential we see for further improvement, the goals we have set for ourselves and the further measures we are planning. The report is based on the requirements (20 criteria) of the German Sustainability Code (Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitskodex – DNK). As a member of the BIKEBRAINPOOL think tank, we have committed to establishing the practice of reporting in accordance with DNK guidelines as a standard in the bicycle sector. We are striving to take responsibility as a company and as an entire sector. This responsibility includes the exchange of ideas and motivation on an ongoing basis in the context of a network and the implementation of the CSR Bike Charter (developed in the context of the BIKEBRAINPOOL) in our company.