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Dr Vieweg Beratung

General | General Information

General Information

Company name Dr Vieweg Beratung Logo

Company website

Number of employees < 250

Reporting year 2023

Indicator set GRI SRS    

Directly affected by the disclosure of non-financial and diversity information No, but check the declaration of conformity in the sense of the CSR reporting obligation

Reporting on EU taxonomy not subject to the reporting obligation, but still reporting according to EU taxonomy

Using the Sustainability Code Declaration of Conformity in the sense of the „NAP Business and Human Rights“ Sustainability Code Declaration of Conformity is used in the sense of the „NAP Business and Human Rights“

Dr. Vieweg Consulting

Prof. Dr. Stefan Vieweg


+49 172 2 918 918

Describe your business model (including type of company, products / services)

Dr. Vieweg Consulting is a passionate and independent end-to-end consulting boutique enabling sustainability and digital (IT) solutions that work best for our clients. Utilizing ourselves the benefits of lean-agile approaches in a slim setup, we take mandates where we are sure to add best value to our clients in terms of shortest time-to-market, sustainable benefits and low costs.
Our specific subject matter extertise covers major transformational topics (alphabetic order):
  • Agile Management / Scaling Lean-Agile (SAFe® in particular)
  • Automation (AI, RPA)
  • BPO/Carve-outs
  • Change management
  • Compliance / CMS
  • CSR
  • Cyber Security
  • ESG-reporting
  • Financial acumen
  • IT consolidations and modernization (incl. S4H),
  • IT-Security
  • M&A
  • Non-financial disclosure
  • Organizational development
  • QA
  • Resilience
  • Scientific research
  • Sustainability / process improvement