General | General InformationGeneral Information
Company name | ARNO GmbH |
Company website | | |
Number of employees | < 250 | |
Reporting year | 2021 | |
Indicator set | GRI SRS | |
Directly affected by the disclosure of non-financial and diversity information | No | |
Reporting on EU taxonomy | not subject to the reporting obligation and not reporting according to EU taxonomy | |
Contact |
ESG Manager
Corinna Geltenbort Daimlerstraße 10 72649 Wolfschlugen Germany 07022 5001-46 |
Describe your business model (including type of company, products / services)
Family business and global player.
Tradition and modern thinking.
Creativity and implementation.
Development and production.
People and environment.
Brands and retailers.
All this is ARNO.
Together with our employees and customers, we live our mission "Creating Instore Success. Together.” by creating unique in-store solutions.
We are designers, engineers, project managers, buyers, logisticians, and others. Each of us is a highly qualified expert. All in all, a dynamic mix of experienced professionals and promising young talent. What drives us are values such as integrity, trust, commitment, quality and the deep conviction that you have to consciously improve every day in order to achieve excellent results for your customers in the long term. This is what makes us a "Partner of Choice" for many brands and retailers.
ARNO is the partner for tomorrow’s shopping experience, trusted by brands worldwide. As family-owned, medium-sized company, we stage brands at the Point of Experience (POE) with bespoke concepts that enable our customers to clearly differentiate themselves from their competitors. With new ideas, lots of creativity and all our know-how, we position our clients' brands at the POE to create real in-store experiences. We rely on the passion and enthusiasm of our employees. Together with them, our subsidiaries and our reliable partner network, we strive for fulfilment of our purpse:
To make shopping
We use all conceivable options in the realisation. As a rock-solid but highly innovative company, we combine uncompromising quality, responsibility and cost awareness with the customer proximity, flexibility and innovative spirit of an internationally operating group. Our goal is to inspire the buyers of our customers' products with unique experiences at the point of experience. This includes displays, shop-in-shops and shopfitting - in other words, everything in retail that displays products and represents brands.
We advise. We design. We develop. We produce.
The entire value creation process takes place under the umbrella of consulting: Our customers benefit from our many years of experience and know-how right from the start of our cooperation. We create sustainable products with expertise and know-how, and thus realise solutions from advice that lasts.
As a result of the special product segment, sales promotion for brands, we manufacture individual, small and large series as a B2B project manufacturer. The development and manufacture of the products are carried out on a commissioned, "customer-specific" basis, within a fixed and usually time-limited period. We do not produce a standard range. Our goal is to generate added value for our customers and their customers with visually convincing and economically sensible results.This is only possible through our intensive cooperation between all departments involved: from concept development and three-dimensional design, through prototyping and series production, to logistics and on-site assembly - worldwide. The connection between integration capability and differentiation is an essential aspect here: our projects fit into existing spaces and at the same time form an eye-catching contrast to the competitive environment.
The company is currently run by the 3rd generation. The owners are the three siblings Tim Arnholdt, Alien Wolter and Sophie Keim, who are the grandchildren of the founding couple Hermann and Elfriede Arnholdt. Since 2013, Alien Wolter and Tim Arnholdt have been leading the ARNO Group as Managing Partners together with Steffen Rothmeier.

Due to the Ukraine conflict and the events and developments caused directly and indirectly by it, we will wind up our subsidiary 000 ARNO in Russia. This is planned to be completed by 31 December 2022.

Sustainable goals are firmly anchored in our corporate strategy, cf. 3. goals. We see ourselves as an industry leader. It goes without saying that we involve our customers in product development, cf. 4. depth of the value chain and our sustainability considerations, cf. 10. innovation and product management. During development, we take into account the conformity of legal requirements and standards without exception.
In 2021, the ARNO Group was represented in 5 countries. The total turnover of the ARNO Group was 40 million euros. ARNO GmbH generated 26.1 million euros at its main site in Wolfschlugen. We are the largest employer in Wolfschlugen. We assume regional responsibility by sponsoring various clubs and organisations, see 16. Community.
Our success comes through our approx. 200 employees, who work with commitment and flexibility for successful projects. Through their sustainable, proactive thinking and actions, they generate the optimum for our clients and our company every day, without losing sight of the environment and their social responsibility.
Tradition and modern thinking.
Creativity and implementation.
Development and production.
People and environment.
Brands and retailers.
All this is ARNO.
Together with our employees and customers, we live our mission "Creating Instore Success. Together.” by creating unique in-store solutions.
We are designers, engineers, project managers, buyers, logisticians, and others. Each of us is a highly qualified expert. All in all, a dynamic mix of experienced professionals and promising young talent. What drives us are values such as integrity, trust, commitment, quality and the deep conviction that you have to consciously improve every day in order to achieve excellent results for your customers in the long term. This is what makes us a "Partner of Choice" for many brands and retailers.
ARNO is the partner for tomorrow’s shopping experience, trusted by brands worldwide. As family-owned, medium-sized company, we stage brands at the Point of Experience (POE) with bespoke concepts that enable our customers to clearly differentiate themselves from their competitors. With new ideas, lots of creativity and all our know-how, we position our clients' brands at the POE to create real in-store experiences. We rely on the passion and enthusiasm of our employees. Together with them, our subsidiaries and our reliable partner network, we strive for fulfilment of our purpse:
To make shopping
We use all conceivable options in the realisation. As a rock-solid but highly innovative company, we combine uncompromising quality, responsibility and cost awareness with the customer proximity, flexibility and innovative spirit of an internationally operating group. Our goal is to inspire the buyers of our customers' products with unique experiences at the point of experience. This includes displays, shop-in-shops and shopfitting - in other words, everything in retail that displays products and represents brands.
We advise. We design. We develop. We produce.
The entire value creation process takes place under the umbrella of consulting: Our customers benefit from our many years of experience and know-how right from the start of our cooperation. We create sustainable products with expertise and know-how, and thus realise solutions from advice that lasts.
As a result of the special product segment, sales promotion for brands, we manufacture individual, small and large series as a B2B project manufacturer. The development and manufacture of the products are carried out on a commissioned, "customer-specific" basis, within a fixed and usually time-limited period. We do not produce a standard range. Our goal is to generate added value for our customers and their customers with visually convincing and economically sensible results.This is only possible through our intensive cooperation between all departments involved: from concept development and three-dimensional design, through prototyping and series production, to logistics and on-site assembly - worldwide. The connection between integration capability and differentiation is an essential aspect here: our projects fit into existing spaces and at the same time form an eye-catching contrast to the competitive environment.
The company is currently run by the 3rd generation. The owners are the three siblings Tim Arnholdt, Alien Wolter and Sophie Keim, who are the grandchildren of the founding couple Hermann and Elfriede Arnholdt. Since 2013, Alien Wolter and Tim Arnholdt have been leading the ARNO Group as Managing Partners together with Steffen Rothmeier.

Due to the Ukraine conflict and the events and developments caused directly and indirectly by it, we will wind up our subsidiary 000 ARNO in Russia. This is planned to be completed by 31 December 2022.

Sustainable goals are firmly anchored in our corporate strategy, cf. 3. goals. We see ourselves as an industry leader. It goes without saying that we involve our customers in product development, cf. 4. depth of the value chain and our sustainability considerations, cf. 10. innovation and product management. During development, we take into account the conformity of legal requirements and standards without exception.
In 2021, the ARNO Group was represented in 5 countries. The total turnover of the ARNO Group was 40 million euros. ARNO GmbH generated 26.1 million euros at its main site in Wolfschlugen. We are the largest employer in Wolfschlugen. We assume regional responsibility by sponsoring various clubs and organisations, see 16. Community.
Our success comes through our approx. 200 employees, who work with commitment and flexibility for successful projects. Through their sustainable, proactive thinking and actions, they generate the optimum for our clients and our company every day, without losing sight of the environment and their social responsibility.
Additional remarks:
This sustainability report is intended to make our actions transparent. It is aimed at all our partners, authorities, politicians and other target groups who are interested in our actions and at the same time want to be informed about our values, guidelines, principles and activities.
In addition, our ARNO Sustainability Report represents our Communication on Progress to the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC).
In addition, our ARNO Sustainability Report represents our Communication on Progress to the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC).