Dussmann Group
General | General InformationGeneral Information
Company name | Dussmann Group |
Company website | https://www.dussmanngroup.com/ | |
Number of employees | > 50.000 | |
Reporting year | 2021 | |
Indicator set | GRI SRS | |
Directly affected by the disclosure of non-financial and diversity information | No | |
Reporting on EU taxonomy | not subject to the reporting obligation and not reporting according to EU taxonomy | |
Contact |
Dussmann Stiftung & Co. KGaA
Head of Group QHSE & Sustainability Daniel Krebel Friedrichstraße 90 10117 Berlin Germany esg@dussmanngroup.com |
Describe your business model (including type of company, products / services)
With almost 65,000 employees in 21 countries, the Dussmann Group, with its headquarter in Berlin, offers services for all aspects of human life and achieved consolidated sales of €2.31 billion in 2021. The services of the largest business unit Dussmann Service include cleaning, building services, catering, security and reception services, sterile supplies and charging solutions for e-vehicles. The Dussmann Technical Solutions (DTS) business division combines the Dussmann specialists for plant construction and technical servicing. They offer solutions for the entire life cycle of facilities and buildings, from planning, erection and putting into operation right through to maintenance and repair. DTS includes Dresdner Kühlanlagenbau (DKA) and K.E.D. Kälte- und Klimatechnik as specialists in construction and service for industrial and commercial refrigeration and air-conditioning technology, HEBO as a manufacturer of elevator systems focusing on heavy-duty elevators, special systems, and electrical systems construction specialist STS headquartered in Waterford (Ireland). Kursana provides care and nursing for 13,600 senior citizens. In addition, "Dussmann das KulturKaufhaus" in Berlin and the Dussmann KulturKindergartens with company-oriented childcare are also part of the Dussmann Group. More information is available at news.dussmanngroup.com