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Haas & Co. Magnettechnik GmbH

General | General Information

General Information

Company name Haas & Co. Magnettechnik GmbH Logo

Company website

Number of employees < 250

Reporting year 2022

Indicator set GRI SRS    

Directly affected by the disclosure of non-financial and diversity information No

Reporting on EU taxonomy not subject to the reporting obligation and not reporting according to EU taxonomy

Christopher Haas

Borsigstraße 8
65205 Wiesbaden

+49 (0) 6122 14 07 0
+49 (0) 6122 14 07 29

Describe your business model (including type of company, products / services)

Haas Magnettechnik was founded in 1972 and is owned by Christopher Haas, who is also the Managing Director. The business is a limited company, legally registered in Wiesbaden, Germany. In 2022, this family business had 21 employees.  

Haas & Co. Magnettechnik GmbH produces and sells high quality magnetic foils, magnetic tapes, technical magnets as well as magnetic custom-made products. The business imports raw materials that are processed and refined at their factory site in Wiesbaden.

Magnetic technology offers various application options and is an effective substitute for adhesive foils and similar advertising materials. The company develops custom products for printing companies, trade fairs and store construction, industry and technology, advertising technology and promotional materials, warehousing and logistics. All products and services are tailored to individual requirements to deliver the best possible benefits. Application examples and further products can be found on the company homepage. 

The company stands for cooperation and partnership and is committed to a responsible approach towards people and the environment. Haas Magnettechnik assumes this responsibility for the entire value chain. Based on the demand for quality and the responsibility towards people and the environment, the company goal is to manufacture high-quality products in a sustainable working and production environment. In doing so, the company follows the basic principle of continuous improvement of internal processes as well as consistent training and further education of employees. 

Beyond these goals, innovation, tolerance and an open communication and feedback culture ensure the success of Haas Magnettechnik. 

Additional remarks:

In support of this goal, the company has obtained the following memberships, certifications and awards in Germany:  
The company has signed the sustainable business charter ‘Die Charta Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften’. The charter utilises the three dimensions of sustainability, the 17 sustainability goals of the United Nations (SDG) and the principles of the Hessian Sustainability Strategy for businesses in the county (Hessen). The charter is intended to act as a basis for sustainable economic activities and provides guidance for companies on implementing sustainable measures.

Reporting timeframe: Unless stated otherwise, the dates and content of this report relate to period of 2020 to 2022. To establish the relevant connections between action, cause, measure and effect we have taken the decision to focus on the period from 2020 to including 2022.