General | General InformationGeneral Information
Company name | FORLIANCE GmbH |
Company website | | |
Number of employees | < 250 | |
Reporting year | 2017 | |
Indicator set | GRI SRS | |
Directly affected by the disclosure of non-financial and diversity information | No | |
Contact |
Describe your business model (including type of company, products / services)
ForestFinest Consulting GmbH (FFC) is a consulting firm for sustainable land use and corporate climate protection. Our philosophy: Business with vision. Based in Bonn, FFC, including the CO2OL brand, supports customers and partners starting with the concept and the implementation of sustainable forestry and agroforestry projects as well as climate protection solutions. FFC is part of the NatureBank Group and can therefore rely on a worldwide team of specialists. FFC can therefore offer individual solutions for sustainable business.
Additional remarks:
At the moment, no external audit is planned.